The American Patriots Path


The purpose of the website is to provide an avenue for people to learn and be educated in the Biblical truths that brought forth an American nation that proclaimed life, liberty, and a person’s right of conscience. These “truths” were proclaimed as “self-evident” in the Declaration of Independence and are under constant assault today.

Our goal is to counter these assaults by equipping the audience with timeless truths to stand firmly upon as we preserve our Constitutional Republic. The American Patriots Path.

David Ecklund, The American Patriots Path, God Liberty and the Constitution.
David Ecklund, The American Patriots Path


David R. Ecklund is a graduate of Escondido High School in 1980, Palomar College with an AA in 1982, John Brown University with a Bachelor of Science in Education with a major in Social Studies/History in 1990, Charis Bible College Colorado with a Master of Bible in 2019, and Charis Practical Government School in 2020. Married for 38 years so far, he is a father of four children and a grandfather of seven, with more to come.

As a disciple of Jesus Christ, David sees it as his duty to steward his passions for “God, Country, and Family” by teaching the truth in love and showing others that God is Love, God is Spirit, and God is Truth. He knows that when he brings forth truth, he gives the Spirit of God the opportunity to bring life and liberty to the listener.

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The Patriots Path

God, Liberty, and the Constitution! The American Patriots Path.

Liberty vs Freedom and Martin Luther King Jr

This week we celebrate a great American hero in the life of Martin Luther King [...]

Constitution Day 2023

In recognition and celebration of Constitution Day, September 17, 2023. For a long time now [...]

Why Stand We Here Idle?

After the French and Indian War ended in 1763, the relationship between the American colonies [...]

Don’t let the name of this bill fool you!

H.R. 8404 Respect For Marriage Act-CLICK HERE FOR THE VIDEO

The Patriot’s Duty

History tells us that on the final day of deliberations of the Constitutional Convention in [...]

We the people…

I love what I do, educating Americans on the true meaning of Freedom, Life, Liberty, the Constitution, and our God Given Rights!