America is NOT a democracy!
July 12, 2022
If you look up in the World Fact Book (an annual publication of the C.I.A., Central Intelligence Agency) in regard to what type of government makes up the United States, it identifies correctly that it is a constitutional federal republic. Is this true? If it is true, then why are so many political pundits, the media, heads of state, and existing and former politicians constantly proclaiming that we are a democracy?
I truly believe that most of these people are proclaiming this concocted idea in an effort to remove America’s true foundations by using every weapon in their arsenal to try and convince the American people that we are a democracy. This is why many of the schools of higher learning of this country are no longer teaching American History to their students. It is also why many of our high schools are no longer requiring AP History courses in their schools. We can now see a quote by Karl Marx, the father of communism, readily observed in America today! It was Karl Marx who didn’t believe in God or freedom of the people who said: “Take away a nation’s heritage and they are more easily persuaded.” It sounds like this guy knew something, doesn’t it? It seems to me that those who are trying to perpetrate the hoax that America is a democracy really don’t like our country and they really don’t like the TRUE history of America that completely refutes this hoax!
So, when our Founders came together to revise the Articles of Confederation in 1787, they realized there was no way to reform these Articles. They knew they could not use them as the structure of government for the United States. Most of them were avid students of history and, through much study and research, they came to a place of opposing most governments that they observed, especially regarding what type was best to govern the United States of America. Contrary to most statements you hear, or have heard, in reference to what type of government we have in this country, our founders despised the idea of democracy and completely rejected it.
Here are a few quotes to illustrate that they had no use for democracy:
Fisher Ames, one of the framers of the Bill of Rights, said: “A democracy is a volcano that conceals the fiery materials of its own destruction. These will produce an eruption and carry desolation in their way. The known propensity of a democracy is to licentiousness [excessive license] which the ambitious call, and ignorant believe to be, liberty.” (Works of Fisher Ames, T.B. Wait and Company 1809)
John Adams, the Second President of the United States and signer of the Declaration of Independence, thought that democracy was a terrible form of government. He is quoted as saying, “…Democracy will soon degenerate into anarchy, such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes and no man’s life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure…” (The Papers of John Adams, Belknap Press 1977)
Benjamin Rush, a Founding Father and signer of The Declaration of Independence, thought democracies were very unpredictable and called them a mobocracy. (Letter to John Adams from Benjamin Rush, Philadelphia, January 22nd 1789)
This is why America’s Founders chose a constitutional republic to govern the United States. The Constitution states in Article IV Section IV that the United States shall guarantee to every State a republican form of government.
This Federal republican system of government is an American federal structure which reserves many important political powers to the States as well as to the people. James Madison, the father of the Constitution, explained this in Federalist Paper 45, when he said: “The powers delegated to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and definite.”
This sounds like, “We the People,” to me!
Our Founders chose a constitutional republic because they believed that the foundation of such was based on what they called, “God’s higher law.” The idea of this higher law was first proclaimed to the whole world through The Declaration of Independence and was referenced as “the laws of nature and nature’s God.” This was the idea and framework that was put forth to govern this nation. This law is considered higher than any elected official and it is the law that every government representative conforms to. This is why they take an oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution.
This higher law describes in detail very specific rights given by God to every individual, and they provide equality and equal protection to every person who chooses to practice these rights. They are God-given! This is why, when we see America’s real history, we soon realize that all of her governing documents bear witness that “to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men.”
Our Founders believed that the first purpose of government was to secure to every person their God-given rights, which include life, liberty, property, right of self-defense, freedom of religion, right to secure your home, and justice and due process of law in all legal proceedings. These are by no means the only rights to be secured for every American!
Our Forefathers chose a constitutional republic with a written constitution because they believed it to be the highest form of government which would secure these rights for every American. They stayed far away from a democracy where mobs rule and majorities are led by feelings and emotions rather than structure and reason. They believed that our rights given to us by God were foundational and could NEVER be subject to removal through government, any vote, or any other influence.
America is NOT a democracy!